Setting up KaseyaOne SSO v2 login with BMS


KaseyaOne single sign-on enables you to log into all your subscribed products using a single account. With KaseyaOne, you can switch apps without logging into each application every time. Enabling KaseyaOne allows your users to log into BMS using one KaseyaOne account. Previously, KaseyaOne was called IT Complete.


  1. KaseyaOne account
    • You should reach out to your Account Manager if you don't have a KaseyaOne account at this time. 
  2. BMS admin account
  3. Passly app installed on your mobile
    • Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Duo, Twilio, Passly, FreeOTP, etc - Authenticators with 6-digit codes are supported.

IMPORTANT  The email in the KaseyaOne user account and BMS tenant account should match to leverage SSO v2.


  1. Navigate to Admin > Integrations > KaseyaOne.
  2. Move the slider to the right. This will make it Enabled. You will see a blue page with the KaseyaOne logo.
  3. Enter your credentials (username and company name) in this page.

    After it logs you in, you will see a success message which says, "Operation is completed successfully."

    Once this is done, if you log out from BMS, you can directly log in from KaseyaOne page link which is given at the bottom of the BMS login page.

  4. Click the link Log in with KaseyaOne. Enter your KaseyaOne credentials (including the 6-digit code), and it will seamlessly log you into BMS. You will directly see the BMS Dashboard page once you log in. Once you are logged in with KaseyaOne, you will see a small snackbar icon on the top right of BMS application, next to your name. (See the image below.) This is the app launcher. You can click this icon and go to other KaseyaOne apps.

Disabling the SSO

  1. To disable the SSO login with KaseyaOne, go to the same path that is mentioned above.
  2. Move the slider to the left. You will see the K1 page briefly, and you will then be taken to BMS again. The K1 integration is now rendered inactive. You will see that the Log in with KaseyaOne link is disabled in the BMS login page.

Logging out of SSO and sessions

If you log in through the KaseyaOne gateway and then log out of BMS, then it logs you out of KaseyaOne too. So, the next time when you log in through the KaseyaOne gateway, it will ask you for your KaseyaOne credentials including the 6-digit authenticator code. If you log out from BMS after you have logged in from the KaseyaOne gateway page, you will be disconnecting the sessions from KaseyaOne as well as BMS.

Accessing BMS from K1 application: landing page

Alternatively, you can access BMS from KaseyaOne application. This is when you do not have an active KaseyaOne integration with BMS

  1. Log into KaseyaOne from the KaseyaOne gateway page by entering your credentials and the 6-digit code. You will land inside KaseyaOne application. You will see two sections in the landing page - My Modules and Overview.
  2. Under My Modules, click BMS. It will display a list of tenants.

  3. Click to select the appropriate tenant (company).

    KaseyaOne will then seamlessly log you into BMS. You will then be taken to BMS Dashboard page.

Accessing BMS from K1 application: app launcher

Alternatively, you can still access BMS from KaseyaOne application but from a different place in the application. This is when you do not have an active KaseyaOne integration with BMS.

  1. Log into KaseyaOne from the KaseyaOne gateway page by entering your credentials and the 6-digit code. You will land inside KaseyaOne application. You will see the same landing page as mentioned above.
  2. Go to the app launcher icon (a snackbar icon situated at the top right corner of the application next to your name).

  3. Click this icon. You will see a list of tenants.
  4. Click the appropriate BMS tenant. You will be seamlessly taken to BMS Dashboard page.
  5. Select the appropriate tenant (company). KaseyaOne will then seamlessly log you into BMS. You will then be taken to BMS Dashboard page.

Setting up the landing page in BMS

You can set up a landing page of your choice from the KaseyaOne application.

  1. Once you are in the KaseyaOne application, go to Admin Settings on the left and then click Module URLs tab. So, for each application that is residing in KaseyaOne, you can actually enter the particular webpage URL.

  2. Across the BMS module, enter the URL under the Landing Page column. For example, if you want to go directly to the Tickets page, you can enter https://<company name> in the respective row under the Landing Page column. When you log into BMS through KaseyaOne next time, you will be taken to the specified URL page of BMS directly.